Invisalign Clear Aligners Bellaire

Where Clear, Comfortable Aligners Create Straighter Smiles

Smiling woman holding an Invisalign clear aligner in Bellaire

The idea of wearing metal braces is often a frightful thought for many patients, especially those who may be self-conscious about their appearance. But Invisalign clear aligners make for a worthy alternative, allowing individuals to pursue a clearer, more comfortable way to achieve a straighter smile. Call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Stacy to learn how you can look forward to better oral health with Invisalign in Bellaire.

Why Choose Stacy Hebert-Schoener, DDS for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • Digital Impression System for Improved Comfort
  • In-Network with Several Dental Insurance Plans
  • Dental Team That Cares About Patients’ Progress

How Invisalign Works

Close up of a blonde woman placing an Invisalign aligner over her teeth

Invisalign clear aligners are crafted from clear plastic materials that are smooth and customized to each smile. With multiple sets designed for every patient, they are to be worn for 20-22 hours each day. The focus on prolonged wear allows for continuous, gentle pressure to keep teeth moving toward the desired location. Over time, patients will switch the sets so that as their smile enters a new phase, the trays can continue to shift teeth into alignment.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Blonde woman putting an Invisalign tray over her teeth

Although traditional braces continue to deliver exceptional results, the benefits of Invisalign are not being overlooked by interested patients. They include:

  • A more subtle way to straighten teeth because of their clear, smooth plastic.
  • Less irritation because there are no protruding metal brackets and wires.
  • Greater flexibility since trays must be removed before eating or drinking, allowing individuals to eat all their favorite foods and avoid the struggle of picking remnants out of brackets and wires.
  • Fewer dental appointments because no wire requires tightening.
  • Faster results in just 12-18 months (on average) as opposed to 2-3 years with metal braces.